Fee-Free TAFE

The Australian Government is providing $550.1 million for the 12-Month Skills Agreement in 2023, including $493.3 million for fee-free TAFE places to be matched by the states. This agreement will reinforce the central role of TAFE in the Vocational Education and Training sector, delivering 180,000 fee-free TAFE places from January 2023 and boosting essential infrastructure.

This Agreement also includes $6.8 million from the Australian Government to improve critical data infrastructure and $50.0 million for a TAFE Technology Fund, to improve IT facilities, workshops, laboratories, and telehealth simulators across the country.

Fee-Free TAFE Skills Agreement

This Schedule establishes shared funding arrangements between the Commonwealth and the States to deliver Fee-Free TAFE Tranche 1 and 2 places in agreed areas of priority, enhanced infrastructure and the Fee-Free Construction and pre-apprenticeship places.

Through Fee Free TAFE, support will be available for priority groups including First Nations Australians, young people (17-24), people out of work or receiving income support, unpaid carers, women facing economic insecurity, women undertaking study in non-traditional fields, people with disability and certain categories of visa holders.

This agreement will put TAFE at the centre of VET, while recognising varied State delivery contexts and recognises the commitment of all jurisdictions to address housing supply and to increase the pipeline of skilled workers to the construction industry.