This Schedule will fund the River Murray in South Australia Constraints Measure Early Works Project (the Project) which will fast-track the upgrade of some sites for the South Australian (SA) River Murray Constraints Measure.
The upgrades will manage the impacts of flows proposed under the constraints measure and include improving access roads and tracks and installing and modifying infrastructure.
The Project builds on the preconstruction activities undertaken under the Project Agreement for Stage 1 Funding for Sustainable Diversion Limits Adjustment Supply and Constraints Measures in the Murray-Darling Basin (Schedule C). Preconstruction activities include design work, site assessments, community engagement and the development of an implementation proposal, expected in June 2022, for the Constraints Measure.
The SA River Murray Constraints Measure is part of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan's Sustainable Diversion Limit (SDL) adjustment mechanism, which enables the Plan's SDLs to be increased by 605 gigalitres (GL).