Agreement finder

The agreement finder provides access to all funding arrangements between the Commonwealth and the state and territory governments.

There are currently 6 National Agreements and 5 sector-specific Federation Funding Agreements (FFA). Schedules to the FFAs outlining specific funding by program, and other agreement types are listed below.

Schedules to agreements and superseded versions of agreements can be viewed by accessing the main agreement page with the exception of Streamlined Schedules which will appear in the finder below.

The agreement finder below shows active agreements only — view expired agreements

Agreement finder results

Total results: 334
Viewing page 1 of 17

Program stream:
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
National Competition Policy FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other Treasury $900.00m FFA National Competition Policy Notes on Administration of the FFA National Competition Policy Commercial Planning and Zoning Guideline {PDF] Commercial Planning and Zoning Guideline {Word]
Support to deliver Giant Pandas to South Australia FFA - Environment Australian Trade and Investment Commission $7.50m Support to deliver Giant Pandas to South Australia FFA [PDF]
Extension of the GST No Worse Off Guarantee Other Agreement Type Treasury $0 Signed Extension of the GST No Worse Off Guarantee Funding Agreement
Northern Heart Centre in Launceston FFA - Health Health $120.00m Northern Heart Centre in Launceston [PDF]
Restoring the upper Murrumbidgee River program FFA - Environment Climate Change $20.30m Restoring the upper Murrumbidgee River Program - NSW [pdf] Restoring the upper Murrumbidgee River Program - ACT [pdf]
Bentley Hospital Surgicentre FFA - Health Health $75.00m Bentley Hospital Surgicentre [PDF]
TAFE Centres of Excellence FFA - Education and Skills Employment $0 TAFE Centres of Excellence [PDF] TAFE Centres of Excellence [Word]
Expansion of Flinders Medical Centre FFA - Health Health $249.00m Expansion of Flinders Medical Centre
Yass Maternity Care Centre FFA - Health Health $4.70m FFA Yass Maternity Care Centre
Busselton Jetty and Marine Discovery Centre FFA FFA - Infrastructure Infrastructure $7.40m Busselton Jetty and Marine Discovery Centre FFA
Comprehensive Primary Health Care Delivery - NT Health FFA - Health Health $193.83m FFA - Comprehensive Primary Health Care Delivery - NT Health- signed_0.pdf
National Bowel Cancer Screening Program — Participant Follow-up Function FFA - Health Health $38.83m National Bowel Cancer Screening Program — Participant - QLD.pdf
National Firearms Register FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other Attorney-General's $101.80m
Central Australian Plan: Community Infrastructure Package FFA - Infrastructure Infrastructure $50.00m Central Australian Plan - Community Infrastructure Package - July 2024[PDF] Central Australian Plan - Community Infrastructure Package - July 2024[WORD]
Schools Upgrade Fund - Capital Investments FFA - Education and Skills Education $215.77m Schools Upgrade Fund - Capital Investments [PDF]
North Queensland Strata Title Resilience Pilot Program FFA - Environment National Emergency Management Agency $40.00m North Queensland Strata Title Resilience Pilot Program
Armstrong Creek Stadium FFA - Infrastructure Infrastructure $6.00m Armstrong Creek Stadium FFA [PDF] Armstrong Creek Stadium FFA [Word
Expanding access to cervical screening services FFA - Health Health $21.75m Expanding access to cervical screening services - NT Expanding access to cervical screening services - NSW Expanding access to cervical screening services - VIC Expanding access to cervical screening services - ACT Expanding access to cervical screening services - SA
Murray-Darling Basin Telemetry Uplift Program FFA - Environment Climate Change $18.70m Murray-Darling Basin Telemetry Uplift Program - NSW [pdf] Murray-Darling Basin Telemetry Uplift Program - VIC March 2025 [pdf] Murray-Darling Basin Telemetry Uplift Program - QLD [pdf] Murray-Darling Basin Telemetry Uplift Program - SA [pdf]
Upgrades to the Qtopia Sydney Museum FFA - Infrastructure Infrastructure $1.50m Upgrades to the Qtopia Sydney Museum FFA schedule [PDF] Upgrades to the Qtopia Sydney Museum FFA schedule [Word]

Program stream:

Type: FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other
Department/Agency: Treasury
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $900.00m
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Australian Trade and Investment Commission
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $7.50m
Type: Other Agreement Type
Department/Agency: Treasury
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $0
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $120.00m
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Climate Change
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $20.30m
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $75.00m
Type: FFA - Education and Skills
Department/Agency: Employment
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $0
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $249.00m
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $4.70m
Type: FFA - Infrastructure
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $7.40m
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $193.83m
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $38.83m
Type: FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other
Department/Agency: Attorney-General's
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $101.80m
Type: FFA - Infrastructure
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $50.00m
Type: FFA - Education and Skills
Department/Agency: Education
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $215.77m
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: National Emergency Management Agency
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $40.00m
Type: FFA - Infrastructure
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $6.00m
Type: FFA - Infrastructure
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $1.50m
End date between