Agreement finder

The agreement finder provides access to all funding arrangements between the Commonwealth and the state and territory governments.

There are currently five National Agreements and five sector-specific Federation Funding Agreements (FFA). Schedules to the FFAs outlining specific funding by program, and other agreement types are listed below.

The agreement finder below shows expired agreements only — view active agreements

Agreement finder results

Total results: 529
Viewing page 14 of 27

Program stream:
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Project Agreement on Investing in Focus Schools Project Agreement Education $40.00m Project Agreement on Investing in Focus Schools [PDF]
Project Agreement on the City West - Hindley Street Redevelopment Project Agreement Infrastructure $1.00m Project Agreement on the City West - Hindley Street Redevelopment [PDF]
Project Agreement on the Commonwealth/State and Territory Joint Group Training - 2013-2014 Project Agreement Industry $10.51m Project Agreement on the Commonwealth/State and Territory Joint Group Training - 2013-2014 [PDF]
Project Agreement on the Veteran Community Under 65 Years to Access Community Care Services Project Agreement Social Services $5.53m Project Agreement on the Veteran Community Under 65 Years to Access Community Care Services [PDF]
National Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap on Indigenous Early Childhood Development National Partnership Agreement National Indigenous Australians Agency $489.62m National Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap on Indigenous Early Childhood Development [PDF]
Funding Agreement - Education Investment Fund - Pilbara (WA) Other Agreement Type Industry $12.19m Funding Agreement - Education Investment Fund - Pilbara (WA) [PDF]
Health Infrastructure - Project Agreement for the Colac Area Health - Youth health Hub Project Agreement Health $1.20m Health Infrastructure - Project Agreement for the Colac Area Health - Youth health Hub [PDF]
Health Infrastructure - Project Agreement for the Gippsland Cancer Care Centre Project Agreement Health $22.00m Health Infrastructure - Project Agreement for the Gippsland Cancer Care Centre [PDF]
Funding Agreement - Education Investment Fund - Central (WA) Other Agreement Type Industry $12.00m Funding Agreement - Education Investment Fund - Central (WA) [PDF]
Health Services - Implementation Plan for the Northern Territory Medical Program - NPA on Health Services National Partnership Agreement Health $6.66m
National Partnership Agreement on Implementing Water Reform in the Murray-Darling Basin - superseded National Partnership Agreement Agriculture $139.50m National Partnership Agreement on Implementing Water Reform in the Murray-Darling Basin - superseded [PDF]
Project Agreement for Jobs and Growth Plan Projects Under the Tasmanian Forests Intergovernmental Agreement 2013 Project Agreement Agriculture $19.00m Project Agreement for Jobs and Growth Plan Projects Under the Tasmanian Forests Intergovernmental Agreement 2013 [PDF]
Health Infrastructure - Project Agreement for Health and Hospitals Fund – 2010 Regional Priority Round Projects in Mount Gambier and Wallaroo Project Agreement Health $6.83m Health Infrastructure-PA for Health and Hospitals Fund-2010 Regional Priority Round Projects - Mount Gambier and Wallaroo [PDF]
National Partnership Agreement on Improving Teacher Quality National Partnership Agreement Education $550.00m National Partnership Agreement on Improving Teacher Quality [PDF]
National Partnership Agreement on Improving Teacher Quality National Partnership Agreement Education $550.00m National Partnership Agreement Variation on Improving Teacher Quality [PDF] National Partnership Agreement on Improving Teacher Quality [PDF]
National Partnership Agreement on Water for the Future - Implementation Plan for Urban Waterways Renewal Project in Western Australia National Partnership Agreement Agriculture $4.00m
National Partnership Agreement on youth Attainment and Transitions National Partnership Agreement Industry $723.00m National Partnership Agreement on youth Attainment and Transitions [PDF]
Project Agreement on Lighting at Manuka Oval Project Agreement Infrastructure $2.50m Project Agreement on Lighting at Manuka Oval [PDF]
National Partnership Agreement on the Digital Education Revolution National Partnership Agreement Education $2,207.00m NP - Digital Education Revolution [PDF]
Centenary of Canberra Joint National Program Project Agreement $5.63m Centenary of Canberra Joint National Program [PDF]

Program stream:

Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Education
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $40.00m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $1.00m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Industry
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $10.51m
Type: National Partnership Agreement
Department/Agency: National Indigenous Australians Agency
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $489.62m
Type: Other Agreement Type
Department/Agency: Industry
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $12.19m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $1.20m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $22.00m
Type: Other Agreement Type
Department/Agency: Industry
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $12.00m
Type: National Partnership Agreement
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $6.66m
Type: National Partnership Agreement
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $139.50m
Type: National Partnership Agreement
Department/Agency: Education
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $550.00m
Type: National Partnership Agreement
Department/Agency: Education
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $550.00m
Type: National Partnership Agreement
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $4.00m
Type: National Partnership Agreement
Department/Agency: Industry
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $723.00m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $2.50m
Type: National Partnership Agreement
Department/Agency: Education
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $2,207.00m
Type: Project Agreement
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $5.63m
End date between