National Competition Policy

This Schedule accompanies the Intergovernmental Agreement on National Competition Policy to support delivery and ongoing development of consistent and complementary reforms that will create a more seamless and competitive Australian economy. 

This Schedule supports reforms that reflect national priorities and will facilitate effective competition across Australia's economy to promote efficiency and productivity growth to sustainably improve living standards and opportunities.

This Schedule facilitates Commonwealth and state and territory governments sharing the benefits of economic growth and revenue generated by competition reforms to which they have contributed.

Financial contributions under this Schedule are available to Parties that are fully-participating jurisdictions under the Intergovernmental Agreement on National Competition Policy.

The National Competition Policy Notes on Administration should be read in conjunction with this Schedule.

Affordable Housing
Community Services
Total funding
Agreement type
FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other
Start date
29 November 2024
End date
31 December 2034
Expired agreement