Agreement finder

The agreement finder provides access to all funding arrangements between the Commonwealth and the state and territory governments.

There are currently 6 National Agreements and 5 sector-specific Federation Funding Agreements (FFA). Schedules to the FFAs outlining specific funding by program, and other agreement types are listed below.

The agreement finder below shows expired agreements only — view active agreements

Agreement finder results

Total results: 529
Viewing page 4 of 27

Program stream:
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
National Partnership Agreement on Rewards for Great Teachers National Partnership Agreement $726.65m National Partnership Agreement on Rewards for Great Teachers [PDF]
National Partnership on Infrastructure Projects in Western Australia National Partnership Agreement Infrastructure $499.10m National Partnership on Infrastructure Projects in Western Australia [PDF]
National Partnership on Pay Equity for the Social and Community services Sector - 2016 to 2019 National Partnership Agreement Social Services $512.10m National Partnership on Pay Equity for the Social and Community services Sector - 2016 to 2019 [PDF]
Project Agreement for a Prototype National Fire Danger Rating System and Social Research Project Agreement Home Affairs $0.70m Project Agreement for a Prototype National Fire Danger Rating System and Social Research [PDF]
Project Agreement for Implementation of the National Insurance Affordability Initiative – Ipswich and Roma Project Agreement Agriculture $17.00m Project Agreement for Implementation of the National Insurance Affordability Initiative – Ipswich and Roma [PDF]
Project Agreement for Irrigation Infrastructure Feasibility Studies in Tasmania Project Agreement Agriculture $1.78m Project Agreement for Irrigation Infrastructure Feasibility Studies in Tasmania [PDF]
Project Agreement for Managing Established Pest Animals and Weeds Project Agreement Agriculture $22.50m Project Agreement for Managing Established Pest Animals and Weeds [PDF]
Project Agreement for Pest Animal and Weed Management in Drought-Affected Areas Project Agreement Agriculture $0 Project Agreement for Pest Animal and Weed Management in Drought-Affected Areas [PDF]
Project Agreement for Projects Under the Murray-Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Programme Project Agreement Infrastructure $72.66m Project Agreement for Projects Under the Murray-Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Prog 8-Mar-18 to 30-Jun-19 [PDF]
Project Agreement for Tasmanian Irrigation Tranche II Agriculture $60.00m Project Agreement for Tasmanian Irrigation Tranche II [PDF]
Project Agreement for the National Water Infrastructure Development Fund - Feasibility Component Project Agreement Infrastructure $35.00m Project Agreement for the National Water Infrastructure Development Fund - Feasibility Component [PDF]
Project Agreement for Toorale Water Infrastructure Works Project Agreement Agriculture $4.00m Project Agreement for Toorale Water Infrastructure Works [Word] Project Agreement for Toorale Water Infrastructure Works [PDF]
Project Agreement on Community Health and Hospitals Program QLD's 2018-19 Initiatives Project Agreement Health $8.05m Project Agreement on Community Health and Hospitals Program QLD's 2018-19 Initiatives [PDF]
Project Agreement on Family Advocacy and Support Services Project Agreement Social Services $18.19m Project Agreement on Family Advocacy and Support Services [PDF]
Project Agreement on the National School Chaplaincy Programme Project Agreement Education $242.35m Project Agreement on the National School Chaplaincy Programme [PDF]
Project Agreement on the Preparing Australia Package Project Agreement Agriculture $9.35m Project Agreement on the Preparing Australia Package [Word] Project Agreement on the Preparing Australia Package [PDF]
Stage 1A Funding of the Wilcannia Weir Project Project Agreement Agriculture $0.08m Project Agreement on Stage 1A Funding of the Wilcannia Weir Project [PDF]
Transition to a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) - Bilateral agreements between the Commonwealth and NSW, VIC, QLD, SA, TAS, ACT and NT Other Agreement Type Social Services $0 NSW Bilateral Agreement - Transition to a NDIS [PDF] ACT Bilateral Agreement - Transition to a NDIS [PDF] NT Bilateral Agreement - Transition to a NDIS [PDF] QLD Bilateral Agreement - Transition to a NDIS [PDF] SA Bilateral Agreement - Transition to a NDIS [PDF] TAS Bilateral Agreement - Transition to a NDIS [PDF] VIC Bilateral Agreement - Transition to a NDIS [PDF]
National Partnership Agreement on Universal Access to Early Childhood Education - 2018 National Partnership Agreement Education $427.90m National Partnership Agreement on Universal Access to Early Childhood Education - 2018 [PDF]
Project Agreement for the Interim Great Artesian Basin Infrastructure Investment Program Project Agreement Agriculture $8.00m Project Agreement for the Interim Great Artesian Basin Infrastructure Investment Program [PDF]

Program stream:

Type: National Partnership Agreement
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $726.65m
Type: National Partnership Agreement
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $499.10m
Type: National Partnership Agreement
Department/Agency: Social Services
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $512.10m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Home Affairs
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $0.70m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $1.78m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $22.50m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $0
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $60.00m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $35.00m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $4.00m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $8.05m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Social Services
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $18.19m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Education
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $242.35m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $9.35m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $0.08m
Type: National Partnership Agreement
Department/Agency: Education
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $427.90m
Type: Project Agreement
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $8.00m
End date between