Agreement finder

The agreement finder provides access to all funding arrangements between the Commonwealth and the state and territory governments.

There are currently 6 National Agreements and 5 sector-specific Federation Funding Agreements (FFA). Schedules to the FFAs outlining specific funding by program, and other agreement types are listed below.

Schedules to agreements and superseded versions of agreements can be viewed by accessing the main agreement page with the exception of Streamlined Schedules which will appear in the finder below.

The agreement finder below shows active agreements only — view expired agreements

Agreement finder results

Total results: 337
Viewing page 12 of 17

Program stream: North Queensland Strata Title Inspection Scheme
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
North Queensland Strata Title Inspection Scheme FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other Treasury $12.50m North Queensland Strata Title Inspection Scheme [PDF] North Queensland Strata Title Inspection Scheme [Word]
Program stream: Northern Territory Homelands
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Restoring funding for Northern Territory Homelands FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other National Indigenous Australians Agency $220.00m Restoring funding for Northern Territory Homelands [PDF]
Program stream: Northern Territory remote Aboriginal investment
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Northern Territory Remote Aboriginal Investment (NTRAI) 2024-25 FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other National Indigenous Australians Agency $93.00m
Northern Territory Remote Aboriginal Investment (NTRAI) - Extension FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other National Indigenous Australians Agency $173.20m Northern Territory Remote Aboriginal Investment Extension [pdf] Northern Territory Remote Aboriginal Investment Extension [word]
Program stream: NSW Hydrogen Ready Gas Generation
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
NSW Hydrogen Ready Gas Generation FFA - Environment Climate Change $5.00m NSW Hydrogen Ready Gas Generation [PDF]
Program stream: Off-Farm Efficiency Program
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Off-farm Efficiency Program Victoria State-led Lower Murray Water - Water Efficiency Project FFA - Environment Climate Change $37.90m Off-farm Efficiency Program Victoria State-led Lower Murray Water - Water Efficiency Project [PDF]
Off-farm Efficiency Program: Goulburn-Murray Water - Water Efficiency Project FFA - Environment Climate Change $177.50m Goulburn-Murray Water - Water Efficiency Project [PDF]
Off-farm Efficiency Program: New South Wales State-led Murrumbidgee Irrigation Automation Finalisation Project FFA - Environment Climate Change $126.48m Off-farm Efficiency Program New South Wales State-led Murrumbidgee Irrigation Automation Finalisation Project [PDF]
Off-farm Efficiency Program: South Australia State-led Marion Water Efficiency Project FFA - Environment Climate Change $4.66m
State-led New South Wales Nap Nap Station Water Efficiency Project FFA - Environment Climate Change $2.51m
Off-farm Efficiency Program New South Wales State-led Feasibility Project Climate Change $5.00m Off-farm Efficiency Program New South Wales State-led Feasibility Project [PDF]
Program stream: On-farm emergency water infrastructure
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
On-farm emergency water infrastructure rebate scheme FFA - Environment Climate Change $56.51m ACT On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme [pdf] ACT On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme [word] SA On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme [pdf] SA On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme [word] TAS On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme [pdf] TAS On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme [word]
Program stream: OzFoodNet
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
OzFoodNet Program FFA - Health Health $6.22m OzFoodNet Program [PDF]
Program stream: Palliative Care Services Navigation Pilot
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Palliative Care Services Navigation Pilot FFA - Health Health $10.26m Palliative Care Services Navigation Pilot 2025-2026 [PDF] Palliative Care Services Navigation Pilot 2023-2025 [PDF] Palliative Care Services Navigation Pilot 2023-2025 [Word]
Program stream: Payments from the DisabilityCare Australia Fund
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
DisabilityCare Australia Fund Payments FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other Social Services $9,548.00m DisabilityCare Australia Fund Payments [PDF] DisabilityCare Australia Fund Payments [Word]
Program stream: Perth City Deal
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Perth City Deal FFA - Infrastructure Infrastructure $341.25m Perth City Deal - Dec 2022 [PDF]
Program stream: Pest and disease preparedness and response programs
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Pest and Disease Preparedness and Response Programs FFA - Environment Agriculture $0 Pest and Disease Preparedness and Response Programs [PDF] Pest and Disease Preparedness and Response Programs [Word]
Program stream: Phase Out of Live Sheep Exports by Sea
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Phase Out of Live Sheep Exports by Sea - transition assistance FFA - Environment Agriculture $43.50m Western Australia [PDF]
Program stream: Pilbara Ports Common User Upgrades
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Pilbara Ports Common User Upgrades FFA - Infrastructure Infrastructure $565.00m Pilbara Ports Common User Upgrades Feb 2025[PDF] Pilbara Ports Common User Upgrades Feb 2025[Word]
Program stream: Preventing harm in Australian Prisons and other places of detention
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
OPCAT Implementation FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other Attorney-General's $0.14m OPCAT Implementation_ACT [PDF] OPCAT Implementation_ACT [Word] OPCAT Implementation_TAS [PDF]

Program stream: North Queensland Strata Title Inspection Scheme

Program stream:
North Queensland Strata Title Inspection Scheme
Type: FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other
Department/Agency: Treasury
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $12.50m

Program stream: Northern Territory Homelands

Program stream:
Northern Territory Homelands
Type: FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other
Department/Agency: National Indigenous Australians Agency
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $220.00m

Program stream: Northern Territory remote Aboriginal investment

Program stream:
Northern Territory remote Aboriginal investment
Type: FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other
Department/Agency: National Indigenous Australians Agency
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $93.00m
Program stream:
Northern Territory remote Aboriginal investment
Type: FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other
Department/Agency: National Indigenous Australians Agency
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $173.20m

Program stream: NSW Hydrogen Ready Gas Generation

Program stream:
NSW Hydrogen Ready Gas Generation
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Climate Change
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $5.00m

Program stream: Off-Farm Efficiency Program

Program stream:
Water for the Environment Special Account, Off-Farm Efficiency Program
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Climate Change
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $37.90m
Program stream:
Water for the Environment Special Account, Off-Farm Efficiency Program
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Climate Change
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $177.50m
Program stream:
Water for the Environment Special Account, Off-Farm Efficiency Program
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Climate Change
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $126.48m
Program stream:
Water for the Environment Special Account, Off-Farm Efficiency Program
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Climate Change
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $4.66m
Program stream:
Water for the Environment Special Account, Off-Farm Efficiency Program
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Climate Change
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $2.51m
Program stream:
Water for the Environment Special Account, Off-Farm Efficiency Program
Department/Agency: Climate Change
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $5.00m

Program stream: On-farm emergency water infrastructure

Program stream: OzFoodNet

Program stream:
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $6.22m

Program stream: Palliative Care Services Navigation Pilot

Program stream:
Palliative Care Services Navigation Pilot
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $10.26m

Program stream: Payments from the DisabilityCare Australia Fund

Program stream:
Payments from the DisabilityCare Australia Fund
Type: FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other
Department/Agency: Social Services
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $9,548.00m

Program stream: Perth City Deal

Program stream:
Perth City Deal
Type: FFA - Infrastructure
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $341.25m

Program stream: Pest and disease preparedness and response programs

Program stream:
Pest and disease preparedness and response programs
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $0

Program stream: Phase Out of Live Sheep Exports by Sea

Program stream:
Phase Out of Live Sheep Exports by Sea
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $43.50m

Program stream: Pilbara Ports Common User Upgrades

Program stream:
Pilbara Ports Common User Upgrades
Type: FFA - Infrastructure
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $565.00m

Program stream: Preventing harm in Australian Prisons and other places of detention

Program stream:
Preventing harm in Australian Prisons and other places of detention
Type: FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other
Department/Agency: Attorney-General's
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $0.14m
End date between