Agreement finder

The agreement finder provides access to all funding arrangements between the Commonwealth and the state and territory governments.

There are currently five National Agreements and five sector-specific Federation Funding Agreements (FFA). Schedules to the FFAs outlining specific funding by program, and other agreement types are listed below.

Schedules to agreements and superseded versions of agreements can be viewed by accessing the main agreement page with the exception of Streamlined Schedules which will appear in the finder below.

The agreement finder below shows active agreements only — view expired agreements

Agreement finder results

Total results: 302
Viewing page 12 of 16

Program stream: Public dental services for adults
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Public Dental Services for Adults - 2022-23 FFA - Health Health $107.75m Public Dental Services for Adults - 2022-23 [PDF]
Program stream: Raine Island Recovery Project
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Raine Island Recovery Project FFA - Environment Climate Change $1.30m Raine Island Recovery Project [PDF]
Program stream: Recreational Fishing and Camping Facilities
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Recreational Fishing And Camping Facilities Program FFA - Environment Agriculture $20.00m Recreational Fishing And Camping Facilities Program [pdf]
Program stream: Recycling Infrastructure
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Recycling Infrastructure FFA - Environment Climate Change $190.00m Recycling Infrastructure [PDF] Recycling Infrastructure [Word]
Program stream: Reducing regulatory burden and streamlining audit arrangements in the dairy sector
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Dairy Sector Digital Export Risk Assurance Diagnostic FFA - Environment Agriculture $0.50m
Program stream: Reducing Stillbirths
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Stillbirth autopsies and investigations FFA - Health Health $13.58m Stillbirth autopsies and investigations [PDF]
Program stream: Reef 2050 Plan
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Animal Protection FFA - Environment Climate Change $36.00m Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Animal Protection
Program stream: Regional Recovery Partnerships
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Regional Recovery Partnership - Tasmania FFA - Infrastructure Infrastructure $10.00m Regional Recovery Partnership - Tasmania
Regional Recovery Partnership - Queensland FFA - Infrastructure Infrastructure $30.00m Regional Recovery Partnership (Amendment 2) - Queensland [PDF]
Regional Recovery Partnership - Western Australia FFA - Infrastructure Infrastructure $10.00m Regional Recovery Partnership - WA - March 2022 [PDF]
Regional Recovery Partnership - Kangaroo Island FFA - Infrastructure Infrastructure $10.00m Regional Recovery Partnership - Kangaroo Island - March 2023 [PDF]
Regional Recovery Partnership - New South Wales FFA - Infrastructure Infrastructure $30.00m Regional Recovery Partnership (Amendment 1) - New South Wales [PDF]
Program stream: Registration Scheme for Personal Care Workers
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Worker Screening Design Support FFA - Health Health $1.40m Worker Screening Design Support [PDF] Worker Screening Design Support [WORD]
Program stream: Remote Housing
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Northern Territory Remote Housing FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other National Indigenous Australians Agency $4,000.00m The Partnership Agreement for Remote Housing and Homelands
Program stream: Rheumatic fever strategy
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Rheumatic Fever Strategy FFA - Health Health $11.97m Rheumatic Fever Strategy [PDF]
Program stream: Royal Darwin Hospital - equipped, prepared and ready
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre (Royal Darwin Hospital) FFA - Health Health $55.30m National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre
Program stream: Saving Native Species
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Flinders Island Safe Haven, South Australia FFA - Environment Climate Change $3.80m Flinders Island Safe Haven South Australia - signed.pdf
Program stream: Schools Pathways Program
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Schools Pathways Program FFA - Education and Skills Defence $5.10m
Program stream: Scotdesco water security project
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Scotdesco Water Security Feasibility Study FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other National Indigenous Australians Agency $0.50m Scotdesco Water Security Feasibility Study - Signed [PDF]
Program stream: Smoking and Vaping Cessation Activities
Title Type of agreement Department / Agency Start date End date Total funding Download
Smoking and Vaping Cessation Activities FFA - Health Health $15.00m Smoking and Vaping Cessation Activities [PDF]

Program stream: Public dental services for adults

Program stream:
Public dental services for adults
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $107.75m

Program stream: Raine Island Recovery Project

Program stream:
Raine Island Recovery Project
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Climate Change
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $1.30m

Program stream: Recreational Fishing and Camping Facilities

Program stream:
Recreational Fishing and Camping Facilities
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $20.00m

Program stream: Recycling Infrastructure

Program stream:
Recycling Infrastructure
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Climate Change
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $190.00m

Program stream: Reducing regulatory burden and streamlining audit arrangements in the dairy sector

Program stream:
Reducing regulatory burden and streamlining audit arrangements in the dairy sector
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Agriculture
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $0.50m

Program stream: Reducing Stillbirths

Program stream:
Reducing Stillbirths
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $13.58m

Program stream: Reef 2050 Plan

Program stream:
Reef 2050 Plan
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Climate Change
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $36.00m

Program stream: Regional Recovery Partnerships

Program stream:
Regional Recovery Partnerships
Type: FFA - Infrastructure
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $10.00m
Program stream:
Regional Recovery Partnerships
Type: FFA - Infrastructure
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $30.00m
Program stream:
Regional Recovery Partnerships
Type: FFA - Infrastructure
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $10.00m
Program stream:
Regional Recovery Partnerships
Type: FFA - Infrastructure
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $10.00m
Program stream:
Regional Recovery Partnerships
Type: FFA - Infrastructure
Department/Agency: Infrastructure
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $30.00m

Program stream: Registration Scheme for Personal Care Workers

Program stream:
Registration Scheme for Personal Care Workers
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $1.40m

Program stream: Remote Housing

Program stream:
Remote Housing
Type: FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other
Department/Agency: National Indigenous Australians Agency
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $4,000.00m

Program stream: Rheumatic fever strategy

Program stream:
Rheumatic fever strategy
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $11.97m

Program stream: Royal Darwin Hospital - equipped, prepared and ready

Program stream:
Royal Darwin Hospital - equipped, prepared and ready
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $55.30m

Program stream: Saving Native Species

Program stream:
Saving Native Species
Type: FFA - Environment
Department/Agency: Climate Change
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $3.80m

Program stream: Schools Pathways Program

Program stream:
Schools Pathways Program
Type: FFA - Education and Skills
Department/Agency: Defence
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $5.10m

Program stream: Scotdesco water security project

Program stream:
Scotdesco water security project
Type: FFA - Affordable Housing, Community Services and Other
Department/Agency: National Indigenous Australians Agency
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $0.50m

Program stream: Smoking and Vaping Cessation Activities

Program stream:
Smoking and Vaping Cessation Activities
Type: FFA - Health
Department/Agency: Health
Start date:
End date:
Total funding: $15.00m
End date between